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Introducing MindaICT newest blog writer.

Salam to all. It is a privilege for me to introduce Minda ICT newest blog writer, Payabunga. She will be handling the general Ubuntu tips category from now on. We hope with Payabunga with use, Minda ICT blog will be more organize in stepping on one more level. Welcome!

We are still waiting for a couple new bloggers to join us. If you are interested, please contact us. We are targeting on 10 new blog writers now to cater all the categories.

The categories are:

1. Windows apps - review on Windows applications
2. Windows tips - write about tips and tricks
3. Ubuntu apps
4. Mac OSX apps
5. Internet apps
6. Money making - Review on various programs
7. Malaysian issues
8. Other linux stuff

If you think you can write something about the categories above, feel free to join Minda ICT as partners. Just contact us here.

And of course you can choose to write either in Malay or English, whichever you feel comfortable with.

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