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Some of you have heard of LAMP: a Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP environment. Well, there is also WAMP: a Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP environment. There is package called XAMPP available on the net.

It contains all those mentioned above plus Perl, FileZilla FTP Server, phpMyAdmin, OpenSSL, Freetype, Webalizer, mod_perl, Turck MMCache, mcrypt, SQLite and JpGraph Mercury Mail Transport System PHPBlender PHP Compiler. Now that is a handful.

All of this in one package and for free. I have been using it the last month and I have been very impressed with it. Uninstalling it is a breeze. Just run the uninstall command and all packages will be removed from your computer. There are no registry entries, no DLLs, all files installed are contained in one directory.

Deleting the directory uninstalls the whole package. Give it a try. Just download the package from the link above.

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