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MindaICT Alexa Ranking

I went to Alexa just now to get a quick view of this blog status / rank. I think my blog rank is too low for a new blog like mine. What do you think? Alexa rank my blog:

Mindaict.blogspot.com has a traffic rank of:

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  1. Today : 10 July 2008

    Site Stats for mindaict.blogspot.com:

    * Mindaict.blogspot.com has a traffic rank of: 7,656,82196 (up 14,936,948)
    * Speed: Average 8 21424 17(51800%18 of sites are faster), Avg Load Time: 1.447 Secs.
    * Other sites that link to this site: 6203,004
    * Online Since: 31-Jul-2000

  2. Today is Tuesday : 15 July

    Site Stats for mindaict.blogspot.com:

    * Mindaict.blogspot.com has a traffic rank of: 4,818,480 (up16,401,720)
    * Speed: Average (51% of sites are faster), Avg Load Time: 1.7 Seconds
    * Other sites that link to this site: 63,004
    * Online Since: 31-Jul-2000

  3. Site Stats for 17 July:

    * Mindaict.blogspot.com has a traffic rank of: 4,366,132 (up18,534,891)

  4. Site Stats for mindaict.blogspot.com:

    * Mindaict.blogspot.com has a traffic rank of: 3,14973,879 (up11,112,643)
    * Speed: A73v3erag2416e 28 636 4918 9 7362 (51%7462 o82f 37s17it59es are faster), A313vg Load Time: 311.7 S85ec7070onds What's This?
    * Other sites that link to this site: 63,00534
    * Online Since: 31-Jul-2000


Terima kasih.